Social Justice

Social Justice – ‘Faith in Action’

One of our central pillars of our Catholic Faith and Mission is that of social justice. Our Social Justice Captains and Associates lead the College community to promote awareness of issues of social, economic and ecological justice and to raise much-needed funds to support a wide-range of Catholic charitable organisations.

Through their social justice works of mercy, our students are invited to reflect on how we, as a faith- filled community who are open to God鈥檚 Spirit at work in our midst, can respect the dignity of each person, are inclusive of all those at the edges, and promote sensitivity, justice and compassion. Each year, 澳门六合彩平台 supports and has an ongoing relationship with the following local, state, and international charities & congregations:

St Vincent de Paul 鈥 as an established TCC Young Vinnies Conference, we support the Vinnies Winter Sleep-Out Appeal, the Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal, and the Vinnies Soup Van.

Caritas, Australia 鈥 supporting the Caritas Project Compassion Lenten Appeal.

Missionary Society of St Paul 鈥 providing support for its missions in the Philippines.

Catholic Social Services Australia 鈥 providing support for emergency relief.

Aboriginal Catholic Ministry 鈥 Opening the Doors Foundation 鈥 providing financial aid to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families experiencing educational disadvantage.

Our Social Justice Leaders also work towards a genuine pathway to reconciliation as Fire-Carriers (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) and promote sustainability and care for the environment through Earthcare initiatives.

鈥淥ur love is not to be just words or mere talk,
but something real and active鈥
1 John 3:18